As the impact of COVID has been felt in all sectors of the economy, there have been some very unique consequences in the primary practice healthcare
Motivating, managing, and shaping the strategies and operations of the firm, particularly with respect to human capital.
6 Tips to Build Soft Skills for a Post-Pandemic World
You’ve heard about the value of choosing the right major or completing an internship to boost your future career prospects. However, there are many more
Workplace Communication: Before You Send That Email…
If you are like me, you have observed coworkers communicate via the wrong method or medium. Consider the following workplace communication
MLK Day: Dream Big
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a minister, civil rights activist, father, husband, and American leader. Dr. King gave over 2,500 speeches across this
New Year Resolution Failure
The New Year is upon us, and as with every New Year, we are prompted to make New Year resolutions. Yes, we find meaning in "resolving" to be better or
TikTok: The Next Big Thing in Job Search?
Job search is one of the areas the ongoing pandemic has negatively impacted. Consequently, recent college graduates and young people. The unemployment
Layoffs Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic
COVID-19 causing significant harm to our society and to individuals has been old news since March. However, if you’re like me, what continues to shock